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Bei mir auf dem Schreibtisch zuoberst liegt "Runes, Magic and Religion", herausgegeben von John McKinnell und Rudolf Simek, mit Klaus Düwel. Auf Seite 123 lauten die Sätze:
Of the Danish masks, at least one on the Hunnestad monument is part of a Christian grave monument, so an interpretation of it as the face of a heathen god is risky. The three stones from Södermanland mentioned above are all on stones with strong Christian symbolism, and this led to Hultgard: "Runeninschriften" 1998,732 to assume that Christ slipped into the role of a pre-Christian god (perhaps Odin?). But as the Aby stone is not noticeably older than the others, it seems likely that just as Thor's hammers were used instead of Christian crosses in contemporary heathen burials, so the face came to be incorporated into the design of late-heathen rune-stones like Aby in imitation of Christian iconography
In diesem Abschnitt geht es um den Runenstein von Aby (Södermanland, Schweden, 11. Jahrhundert).

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